Posts A Non-Technical Introduction to Cybersecurity

A Non-Technical Introduction to Cybersecurity

If you’d rather watch a video with all this content, watch the Crash Course Computer Science — Cybersecurity episode that I helped write, largely based on this post.

You probably know a thing or two about how computers work: for example, that they are cheap, powerful and fast. And through this combination of cost, power, and speed, they can be used to do things that would otherwise be impossible: for example, communicating in real-time with people on the other side of the world.

But, with this great power comes great opportunity for harm. In this post, I want to talk about that potential harm as well as what we can do to mitigate it. I want to talk about cybersecurity. Why do we need cybersecurity?

Computers have no moral compass. Stick ’em with a formally specified problem and they’ll happily twiddle some bits and shoot out an answer in lightning speed. They don’t think twice about why they’re carrying out these instructions, nor do they care about the implications of doing so. To a computer, running some code that takes down a hospital’s computer systems until a ransom is paid is no different than running code to operate bomb-defusing robots.

In other words, for all the good they can be used for, computers can be used for just as much bad. Moreover, the same properties that make computers so useful make them dangerous.

They’re cheap, so anyone can use them. Picture an army of petty thieves downloading and using scripts to try and pick the pockets of millions of people the world over.

They’re powerful, so everyone uses them. Think about thousands of spies all over the world simultaneously prodding around the perimeter of the Pentagon’s cyber-defense systems without ever needing to leave their own homes and risk physical harm or capture.

They’re fast, so imagine all of those attacks I just mentioned, along with thousands of others, being carried out hundreds of times each every single day.

So, just like we have physical security in the form of door locks, fences and police officers to minimize crime in the real world, we need cybersecurity to minimize crime and harm in the virtual world.

What is cybersecurity?

The scope of cybersecurity evolves as fast as the capabilities of computing. But, for our purposes today, we can think of it as a set of models, techniques and technologies to protect the secrecy, integrity and availability of computer systems and data against a known threat model.

Let’s unpack that a bit: secrecy, integrity and availability are all the higher-level goals of cybersecurity.

Secrecy, or confidentiality, means that only authorized people should be able to see or read specific computer systems and data. Personal data breaches where companies inadvertently reveal people’s credit card information, for example, would be secrecy violations.

Integrity means that only authorized people should have the ability to use or modify those systems and data. Hackers who learn your e-mail password and and send e-mail as you would be an example of an integrity violation.

Availability means that authorized people should always have access to those systems and data. Denial of Service attacks, where hackers overload a website with fake requests to make it slow or unreachable for others, is an example on an attack to availability.

Of course, security is more than just secrecy, integrity and availability. But, when we think of the goals of cybersecurity, we often think of those three.

Threat Models

Okay, so what’s a threat model? Security starts with a specification of who your “enemy” is at an abstract level: i.e., with a threat model.

Threat models formally profile attackers: their capabilities, goals, and probable attack vectors. Having this knowledge lets you start building towards a specific goal, rather than being overwhelmed by all of the possible ways “hackers” could get to your systems and data.

For example, let’s say you want to “secure” physical access to your laptop. Your threat model is your lazy roommate. To preserve the secrecy, integrity and availability of your laptop against a lazy roommate, you probably just need to keep your computer up a couple of flights of stairs. But, if your threat model is a sprightly, mischievous younger sibling, then you’ll need to do a bit more: lock it in a safe, maybe.

In other words, whether and how a system is secured depends heavily on who it is being secured against.

Threat models in computer security are typically a bit more formally specified than “lazy roommate”, of course. There are many different kinds of threat models out there. Commonly, you’ll see threat models only specified in terms of technical capabilities: for example, “someone who has access to your physical laptop and has as much time as he or she wants”. Given this threat model, it is the job of security architects to come up with a solution that keeps a system secure against that threat model as long as certain assumptions are met (e.g., no one reveals their password to the attacker).

With a persistent rise in cybercrime, however, there is a growing, holistic interest in broaching beyond just the technical specification of threat models to look more deeply into the psychology of attackers to understand not only their capabilities, but their motivations, their risk tolerances and their incentives.

Okay, now you know what cybersecurity is or tries to be. So let’s talk a little bit more about the security toolbox: i.e., technical approaches to protecting the secrecy, integrity and availability of computer systems, networks and data. We’re going to only cover the basics here. Authentication

A lot of security boils down to two questions: who are you, and to what systems should you have access? Clearly, access should be afforded to the right people but refused to the wrong people. So how can we differentiate between the right and wrong people?

We use authentication.


Authentication is the process by which a computer system comes to understand with whom it is interacting. Generally, there are three types of authentication:

What you know, what you have, and what you are.

What you know authentication is based on knowledge of a secret known only by the real user and the computer system. Usernames and passwords are one form of this. Other forms include graphical passwords, like Android’s 9-dot pattern lock or Microsoft’s picture password.

What you have authentication is based on possession of a secret token that only the real user should have. For example, a physical key and lock are an example of what-you-have authentication: you can only unlock a locked door if you have the correct key. Keycards that allow you to access private rooms or buildings work in a similar manner.

Finally, what you are authentication is based on your person. You authenticate by presenting yourself or something you do to digital sensors and have the computer recognize who you are and/or what you are doing. Biometric authenticators, like fingerprint readers or facial recognizers or voice recognizers are classic examples of what you are authentication.

Each of these different types of authentication have their pros and cons.

What you know authenticators are typically the easiest and cheapest as they require no special hardware. Simplicity and ease of use are probably the primary reason passwords are the most common form of authentication, today. But, this form of authentication can be compromised if hackers can guess or otherwise come to know your secret.

When you think about guessing, you might thinking about easily guessable passwords like password1 or 12345678 or iloveyou. But, remember, we’re not just talking about easy for a human to guess: we’re also talking about easy for a computer to guess. Consider the PIN: 8245. This seems pretty difficult to guess right off the bat — and it is, for a human. But there are only 10,000 possible combinations of 4-digit PINs. Computers can run through 10,000 instructions in sub-second speeds, so 8245 is very easy for a computer to guess. Even if an attacker is only given a handful of guesses for any single account, it is important to keep in mind that rarely are attackers targeting any one account: rather, they might be targeting millions of accounts through something like a botnet or a compromised offline database of account information. So, if an attacker is given three random guesses to crack a million 4-digit PINs, they are likely going to correctly guess quite a few people’s PINs.

But, for every additional digit you add to a PIN, it gets harder and harder to guess and successfully carry out these sorts of brute force attacks: there are, for example, 100,000 possible combinations of 5-digit PINs, 1,000,000 possible 6-digit PINs, 10,000,000 possible 7-digit PINs and so on and so forth. More generally, the greater the length of a secret, the harder it will be for computers to crack.

Your secret can also be compromised if hackers gain access to a computing system in which your secret is stored (e.g., if you use gmail and attackers compromise gmail servers, there’s a chance they’ll be able to access to your password). This is one of the reasons you have probably been told to avoid re-using passwords across multiple accounts.

What you have authenticators escape the problem of being “guessable”. They typically require physical co-location, which makes it much harder for remote attackers to gain access without risking physical apprehension. For example, someone from Moscow is not going to be able to gain access to your front door in Florida without getting himself or a proxy to Florida. But, what you have authentication can still be compromised once an attacker is in physical proximity. Keys and keycards can be forged or stolen and locks can be picked.

People may also routinely forget or lose their keycards, resulting in an expensive and slow process to de-activate one’s lost keycard and print out a new one. Finally, it is not easy to implement what you have authentication beyond physical space access. Imagine the steps required to use a special keycard to access your e-mail: you would need to get mailed (or 3D print, I suppose) a special keycard, buy a keycard reader, hook it up to your laptop and then remember to bring the whole apparatus with you if you ever want to access your e-mail from a different location.

What you are authentication is typically what most laypeople think of as the most secure: fingerprint readers and facial recognizers still often seem like the stuff of spies and secret agents. And, they can, indeed, be very secure.

But their security is only as strong as the sensors and software that are used and the good sensors and software can be very expensive. Furthermore, sensors are typically not absolute. What you know and what you have authentication have the very nice property of being deterministic: if you know the secret or have the key you are granted access 100% of the time. If you don’t, you will gain access 0% of the time.

Biometric authentication, however, is probabilistic. There is some chance that a system will not recognize you if you’re wearing a hat, or if the lighting is bad. Worse, there is some chance the system will recognize the wrong person as you. Of course, in production systems, these chances are reduced to being very low. But, they are not 0.

Another potential issue with biometric authenticators is that they can’t be reset. You have only so many fingers: what happens if an attacker compromises your fingerprint data? You can’t change it, and it is considered by the general populace as being something that is hard to forge. So, an attacker who has the ability to forge it will be given privileged access to a lot of things to which only you should have access.

Basically, all forms of authentication have their pros and cons and all can be compromised. This is one of the reasons why most security experts today suggest using two or more forms of authentication for very important accounts: this is known as two-factor or multi-factor authentication. It might be easy for an attacker to guess your password or steal your keycard: it’s much harder for any single attacker to do both. Access Control

After authentication comes access control. Even if a system knows definitively who you are, how does it know what you should be able to access?

Access Control

Access control is a specification of who should be able to see, modify and/or use what.

The general rule for access control is that no one should be able to access more than exactly what they need to access at any given moment.

This is one of the reasons that even personal-use computers typically have a special “administrator” or “root” account in addition to a regular account. The regular account should be used for day-to-day operations, while the administrator account should only be used to install special software or perform special functions on a fairly limited basis. This is to limit the amount damage an attacker can cause: compromising the typically visible regular-use account would not allow an attacker to, for example, delete all files on the hard-drive or install system wide malware. Compromising an administrator account would.

Typically, there are different levels of access that correlate to secrecy, integrity and availability. “Read” permissions allow a user to see the contents of a file. “Write” permissions allow a user to modify the contents of that file. “Execute” permissions allow a user to run a program.

“Access” can mean a user having any of subset of those permissions. An “access control list”, or ACL, describes which users should have read, write and/or execute access to which files and programs on a computing system. These can be implemented at the file level (i.e., each file has its own ACL) or at the system level (i.e., there is one ACL that stores each user’s access to each file).

For organizations who have employees or members that should have different levels of access to privileged data or systems (e.g., a large corporation or the military), it is especially important for ACLs to be configured correctly to ensure secrecy, integrity and availability.

Let’s say we have three levels of access: public, secret and top secret.

The first general rule of thumb is that people should not be able to “read up”: i.e., if a member if only cleared to read secret files, they should not be able to read top secret files but should be able to access secret and public files.

The second general rule of thumb is that people should not be able to “write down”: i.e., if a member has top secret clearance, then they should only be able to write or modify top secret files. This ensures that there is no accidental leakage of top secret information in secret or public files.

These no “read up” or “write down” rules are part of a model of access control known as the Bell-LaPadula model which was developed for use in military and government applications. Of course, there are many models for appropriate access control configuration. The models that should be used depend heavily on the use case. Wikipedia provides a cursory overview.

System and application security

Finally, system and application security is a set of methods and recommendations to secure the key software and processes upon which all other programs depend.

Authentication and access control help a computing system determine who you are and what you should access, but depend on being able to trust the hardware and software that run the authentication and access control programs.

That’s a big dependence.

If an attacker installs malware that compromises the host computer’s operating system, how can we be sure that the authentication and access control programs don’t have a backdoor that let attackers in?

The short answer is: we can’t.

But this is why system and application security is so essential. Unfortunately, we still have no way to formally guarantee the security of a program or computing system because even while security software might be “secure” in theory, implementation error can result in security vulnerabilities. The best we have are techniques to: (i) reduce the likelihood of implementation error, (ii) quickly find and patch implementation errors when they are found, and (iii) mitigate the damage that can be done when an application or process is compromised.

Reducing code bloat: Most security errors come from implementation error, or software bugs. To reduce implementation error, reduce implementation. Along these lines, one of the holy grails of system level security is “security kernel” or a “trusted computing base”: a small core of key operating system software that is close to provably secure. A challenge in constructing these security kernels is deciding what should go into it: remember, smaller is better.

Independent Verification and Validation (IVV): Even after mitigating code bloat, we would still want a “guarantee” that the code that is written is secure. Formally verifying the security of code is an active area of research, but it is still far from perfect. The best we have is a process called independent verification and validation. This works by having code audited by a crowd of security-minded developers. This is the reason why security code is almost always open-sourced: it can be difficult for the people who originally wrote the code to spot implementation errors, but it is easier for external developers. This is also one of the reasons why industry standards for security are typically old: newer, flashier security code has had less time to be vetted by a broader community. Finally, this is also why an independent developer should never implement their own versions of security protocols and cryptographic techniques.

Isolation: Finally, even after reducing and thoroughly auditing code, clever attackers are likely to find hacks that let them in. When programs are compromised, however, one of the key tenets of system and application level security is isolation. The isolation principle can be summarized as follows: if an attacker compromises one program, it should not make it easier for them to compromise any other program on the same computing system. To get isolation, we can “sandbox” applications so that they have their own blocks of memory that only they can access and no other application can touch. Virtual Machines (VMs) are one way to accomplish this at the system level instead of at the application level. With VMs, one can run different virtual operating systems on the same computing system so that an attacker who compromises any one VM cannot, in theory, get to any other VM.

Anti-virus software is often an attempt to discover and combat threats to system and application level security. Unfortunately, clever attackers also often disguise malware as anti-virus software to trick unsuspecting lay users into installing their programs.


That was a very broad overview of some core principles in cybersecurity. I hope you’ll forgive my not going into too much detail about any one type of attack or defense strategy. Of course, there are also many things that I did not even begin to cover — for example, network security, side-channel attacks or encryption. Perhaps if there is more interest, I’ll expand on the topic in the near future.

Thanks for reading! If you think you or your company could benefit from my expertise, I’d be remiss if I didn’t alert you to the fact that I am an independent consultant and accepting new clients. My expertise spans UX, human-centered cybersecurity and privacy, and data science.

If you read this and thought: “whoah, definitely want to be spammed by that guy”, there are three ways to do it:

You also can do none of these things, and we will all be fine.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.